Child Care Resources for Families
- Search for child care and get free referrals tailored to fit your family's needs
- Learn about the importance of quality child care
- Find information about different types of child care
- Get information on child care licensing and monitoring statements
- Learn about NH Child Care Scholarship
- Find information on child development
- Find resources on health, safety and wellness topics
Resources for Providers
- Find information on how to increase program quality and teacher competence through professional development and resources
- Search for training opportunities
- Learn more about:
- NH Early Childhood and Afterschool Credentialing System
- NH Early Learning Standards
- Health and Safety Standards
- Child Care Licensing
- Child Development
- NHCIS Professional Registry
- TEACH Early Childhood® NH
Community Member Resources
- Access resources and data about child care from a state and national level
- Look for information on advocacy
- Discover where there are child care deserts in NH
- Find information on cost of child care
- Learn about the NH child care workforce
- Use the above information to inform planning decisions & policies and share it with other community members and stakeholders